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Patio Herb Garden

Herbs in pots on your patio or deck make it easy and convenient to use every day. The closer you can have the herbs to the kitchen the easier it is to simply step outside and snip off some fragrant goodness to enhance your food.



Planting in pots will elevate and keep your herbs fresh and out of the dirt. When planting herbs in pots adding an annual flower plant is always a pretty touch.


It doesn’t take a whole lot of plants to give you a variety of dining options. Basil, chives, cilantro all come in handy. Invasive plants like lemon balm and mint will take over the entire container and these do best contained by themselves in their own planter.


Nothing says summer more than using fresh home grown herbs. Give it a try!

-Donna Dowell

Topics: St. Louis Locals Dowco Specific Plant Care

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