When it comes to caring for a lawn, everyone will need to get rid of weeds at one point or another, and for many it is a constant battle to keep weeds under control. The younger your lawn is, the more susceptible it is to weeds that will grow in between the young and relatively weak blades of grass.
While choosing a weed killer and applying it properly are essential to kill the weeds successfully, timing the application will help increase the number of weeds you affect.
Here are 8 tips on how to choose the best time to kill the weeds in your St. Louis lawn:
Tip 1: Rain is a pain.
Application timing in relation to rainfall is crucial. Weed killer should be applied to the lawn when the forecast doesn’t predict rain for at least two days. Rain immediately following an application can result in disturbance of the solution through washout and dilution. This may ultimately result in ineffectiveness and the need to reapply the product.
Tip 2: Wind is not a winner.
Check the weather forecast for your area and apply the weed killer when it isn’t predicted to be too windy. While you can apply weed killer in the wind, it does complicate the process and may cause it to drift unintentionally into areas of other vegetation that the weed killer may damage.
Tip 3: Green means go.
Spray weed killer when your lawn looks green and healthy. It is not recommended to apply weed killer if you are going through a drought or if your lawn is beginning to brown. Weed killer can damage and even kill grass if it does not have the strength to absorb and support it.
Tip 4: Dampness is not a damper.
Apply the weed killer when the lawn is slightly damp just after a light rain or a light watering. The grass shouldn’t be soaked completely but it should be slightly wet to help the chemical stick to the weeds.
Tip 5: Falling leaves means kill the weeds!
Applying weed killer in the fall will help kill perennial weeds. Perennial weeds store energy in their roots in the fall before they go dormant in the winter. Spraying in the early fall will help prevent the plant from storing energy and reemerging in the spring.
Tip 6: Don’t mow away your application.
Time your weed killer spraying around your weekly mow day. Most weed killers work by attaching to the broadleaf plants and their performance will be enhanced if the weeds are as big as possible. If possible, don’t mow the lawn for at least a couple of days after you apply the weed killer.
Tip 7: Spray, repeat, repeat.
Apply another round of weed killer again a few weeks after the initial application. Consult your specific product label instructions to determine the exact time spacing. It generally will take three or more applications for the weed killer to be most effective.
Tip 8: Granular with Spring Fertilization
Sprinkling a granular weed killer in the beginning of the spring at the same time that you fertilize your lawn is highly recommended. This annual application when done in addition to periodic weed killing sprays will help keep weeds at bay.
Lawn care application timing can be tricky and oftentimes it is best left to the experts. St. Louis landscape professionals are constantly monitoring changes in the weather, are up to date with the latest products, and are equipped to deal with a wide range of issues.
Dowco Enterprises is a local company in Chesterfield that prides itself on the ability to adapt to many situations and provide top quality lawn care services. Our trained professionals hold state licenses and they have the knowledge of the best time to kill the weeks in your St. Louis lawn. Have more questions? Just ask!