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St. Louis Fire Blight Epidemic

Why are my trees turning brown? It could be Fire Blight.


Fire blight is caused by a bacterium, Erwinia Amylovora. Over the winter, bacteria hide out in bark lesions on trees and shrubs. When spring arrives with warm, wet weather, the bacteria "come alive" resulting in ooze that comes out of ...

St. Louis Summer Watering Tips for Turf, Trees & Shrubs

Water is the number one necessity for all living things. We as humans have the ability to find water for ourselves; we carry our water bottles around, stop at a drinking fountain or could even go stick our head in a stream if we needed to. Plants are not so lucky. They rely on Mother Nature to get t...

Rose Rosette Virus In St. Louis

Rose rosette virus is a disease that has become a prevalent threat to all ornamental roses in St. Louis.

5 Often Overlooked Tips for Planting Trees and Shrubs in Spring

Fall is typically recognized as the best time for planting trees and shrubs. However, with proper care, spring is still a great time to enhance your property with the addition or replacement of landscape plantings.

When is the Right Time to Trim and Prune my Trees & Shrubs in St. Louis?

Knowing the proper way to trim and prune your shrubs starts first with knowing when to trim them. The timing can affect many aspects of your plants health including viability and flowering.

The Importance of Trimming and Pruning Trees and Shrubs

All over the St. Louis, Chesterfield and St. Albans areas we’ve seen an increase in the number of trees and shrubs that are being installed in landscapes and the diversity in plants is multiplying. This new awareness from the public in assorted plants requires specialized pruning techniques.


Flowering Pear Trees, The Signal of Spring!

Well, after another typically atypical winter season, spring has finally arrived on our dreary doorstep. What better sign to usher in spring than the explosion of white across the county- the Bradford Pears have popped! God has such an ironic sense of humor - we are tired of snowfall, but elated at...

Last Frost Preparation and Patience

It happens every year, the big box retailers scurry around each spring to be the first to bring the new crop spring and summer annuals. So marketing geniuses make lots of money predicting the arrival of spring, and thus plan for their annual arrivals just in time.

7 Landscape Tricks for a More Efficient Irrigation System

We recently wrote on a topic How to Save Water with Your Irrigation System and people asked for more ideas! So we listened! Sometimes it's not the irrigation system that has a problem and there are simpler and more cost effective ways to solve a common issue. An efficient irrigation system is a huge...

Winter Burn in St. Louis Plants

As our reluctant spring weather may finally arrive, and with a little sunshine we will find ourselves outside enjoying our landscapes more and more. Behind us was a winter loaded with snow and colder than recent memory temperatures. School children rejoiced with extra days of school because wise sup...

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