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Donna Dowell

Donna Dowell
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Snow Season is Here in St. Louis County—Keeping Our Community Safe Together!

The snow season has officially arrived in St. Louis County! The beauty of fresh snow blankets our neighborhoods, but along with it comes icy challenges for roads, driveways, and parking lots. At Dowco Enterprises, we aim to ensure commercial and HOA properties remain safe, accessible, and prepared n...

3 Key Factors to Consider for The Best Turf Care Program in St. Louis

If you desire a lush, green lawn this season then you're probably taking time this spring to do a little research. The best St. Louis turf care takes into consideration three factors.

What to Look for in a St. Louis Mulching Company

Your Dowco mulch project receives 3 important things.  First a world class bed cleanup, followed by a crisp shovel edge and finally the smooth application of your mulch of choice. 

First: A Spring Bed Cleanup 

During the bed cleanup, any remaining ornamental grasses are cut low and as level as possib...

Making Better Decisions about Your Chesterfield Lawn Mowing

“Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially when it’s a choice between where you should be and where you want to be.” – Anonymous

Have you ever had to choose between two options?

  • Before work: Change the oil in your car or prepare and eat a healthy breakfast?
  • After work: See your kids in a ...

DIY Residential Snow Removal Tips

Snow!  If you live in St. Louis, MO then you either love it or hate it.

Regardless of where your feelings fall on the pendulum, if snow is covering your driveway, and you’ve got to get out, then you need a plan.

Let’s start with simply shoveling the driveway. This requires the smallest amount of mon...

3 Ways to Determine Your Landscape Style

“Can you come over and help me with my yard?”  I hear this all the time. Questions like where do I start? What should I plant? Can you just do it for me?

Your First Day at Dowco

Watch this video before you arrive to work at Dowco for your first day. Information on what to bring, where to go and what to expect. We can't wait to see you! 

How to Grow Night-Blooming Moonflowers From Seed

Here are three videos that will help you to grow beautiful moon flowers from seed. 

Goals for the New Year

Goals for the New Year

A few years back I had a coach helping me to train for Ironman Florida. I recall one swim session that she assigned with the following task. “Swim: 500m; would like you to ease into the first 100m then start to descend your pace. I would like you to have one of the stronger sw...

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