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4 Ways to Cure "Spring Landscaping Envy" For Every St. Louis Homeowner

Do you suffer from spring landscape envy?

Does it seem like every time the weather starts warming up from winter, your neighbors have bursts of colorful blooms in their garden and you don't?

Here are some fall plantings that must take place this fall so that you can reap the rewards after the chilly...

Lawn Overseeding 101

Did you know that a single blade of grass only lives an average of 40 days before it dies? Our lawns are constantly working to produce new blades to replace the ones that have died back. 

How to Prepare for Aeration 2015

How to Prepare Your Lawn for its Big Day!

Now that you’re set up for aeration with Dowco, it’s time to prepare the grounds. Please review the following FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. 

What needs to be flagged?

  • Flag all irrigation heads and valve boxes.
  • Flag the invisible dog fence approximately every ...

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass in Lawn

What a crazy summer it’s been! If you’re living in St. Louis, by now you’ve probably experienced a few things going on with your lawn: Brown spots (turf disease), nutsedge (commonly called nut grass or water grass), and crabgrass. Does this sound about right? 

Even in Dowco lawns we’ve seen an unusu...

Fall Aeration & Overseeding FAQ

If you plan to aerate and overseed with Dowco this year, please keep reading! We answer the most frequently asked questions regarding fall aeration and overseeding.

Is Lawn Aeration Necessary?

What a summer!  

3 Ways to Determine Your Landscape Style

“Can you come over and help me with my yard?”  I hear this all the time. Questions like where do I start? What should I plant? Can you just do it for me?

How to Trim & Prune Training Video

Dowco's production manager offers tips and tricks on trimming and pruning tees and shrubs.

Includes valuable information on: 

  • How far back to cut woody plants 
  • How to start trimming a boxwood
  • Information on cleaning out water sprouts 
  • Pruning suckers to ground level
  • Where to prune a branch on a tre...

Write a Google Review for Dowco

We'd like to ask a huge favor of you... Could you take 1 minute, jump over to Google and review our business?  

Turf Fungus and Disease 2015

Temperatures are predicted to be in the high 90's this week and the humidity is high. These environmental factors are prime living conditions for fungus and disease to thrive in your turf. 

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