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Level Up Your St Louis Landscape Before Barbeque Season

Social calendars are stacking up with barbeques and holiday parties, but the winter months have been harsh on outdoor spaces. Getting your landscape back to its best can be a daunting task.

Water Once More! Here's Why...

Water One More Time

Cool, brisk days and chilly nights are indicators that winter is fast approaching and irrigation systems need to be shut down.  But a dormant irrigation system doesn’t mean your watering is complete. 

As fall merges into winter, a deep watering on your new plants or existing ev...

Leaf Your Fall Services to Dowco!

Friday marks the first day of fall which usually means football, comfy sweaters, and pumpkin-spiced everything! 

Here's what fall means to us at Dowco. 

Irrigation Shutdowns

Dowco is scheduling appointments in October to properly blow out your underground irrigation pipes. We recommend scheduling be...

St. Louis Lawn Aeration and Renovation FAQ

We answer the most frequently asked questions regarding fall aeration and overseeding including flagging, watering, leaf cleanup, fertilization, mowing, scheduling and more! 


What needs to be flagged?

  • Flag all irrigation heads and valve boxes.
  • Flag the invisible dog fe...

Watch Your Landscape Explode With Color

Add a Pop of Color this Fall

Mums are a great way to add a pop of color to your outdoor space this fall. Planted in-ground or in pots, mums keep their color through the fall season. With a variety of rich colors available, your landscape will be on display! 

Other fall options include kale, strawfl...

How Much Does a Lawn Renovation Cost in St. Louis?

Did you know that a single blade of grass only lives 40 days on average?

Each day our lawns are working to produce new blades (called tillers) to replace the old ones. This is why some lawns begin to thin out or look tired over time.

Many people already knows the benefits of aerating and overseedin...

Summer Watering and Smart Irrigation in St. Louis

Is your lawn drying out in certain spots during the summer drought?

Here are 3 quick tips:

  1. During this bad stretch of hot weather & drought, consider watering every day.
  2. Water in the morning, not the middle of the day, to prevent fungus outbreaks.
  3. Look around for an irrigation coverage issue. Ide...

How to Care For a New Construction Home Lawn in St. Louis

Congratulations on a new home!!

As soon as the keys are handed over to your new residence, the mindset of “protecting your investment” kicks in. One of the most beneficial ways you can protect and enhance your curb appeal is by making sure your lawn is green and weed-free. 

Fall is one of the best t...

How to Compare and Choose a St. Louis Lawn Renovation Company

Your lawn, flowers, trees and shrubs are in a heat advisory. Please be alert to the following warning signs of drought and adjust your watering as needed.

  • foot prints that stay
  • wilted and rolled leaves
  • discoloration
  • soil feels dry to the touch

As soon as the summer heat wave is over you're going t...

Hot Upgrades to Prepare Your St. Louis Landscape for Summer Parties

Fourth of July is coming! Are you ready?

Or more importantly, is your landscape party ready?

With less than a week to go, our maintenance teams are ready to lend a helping hand for party cleanup. We can prune, weed, and replant! Call us now to get on our schedule for a quick spruce before the neigh...

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