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St. Louis Lawns Invaded by Pesky Nutsedge Weed

Have You Seen This Weed in Your St. Louis Lawn?

One of the peskiest weeds in St. Louis, Nutsedgeis an invasive weed that is lime green in color and has a waxy appearance. Nutsedge grows faster and pops up taller than grass and seems impossible to control. 

Many people refer to nutsedge as "water gr...

5 FAQ About Summer Lawns in St. Louis

Summer is upon us and our lawns!  There are a few things you want to be on the lookout for as it warms up outside. 

Flowers for Summer!

Did you know that Dowco pre-orders all of our annuals in February to be custom-grown just for our clients?

By ordering them early we ensure we get the best selection of robust plants in the exact color or variety you desire. We got our first delivery in on May 8th and will be installing flowers all...

Spring Flood 2017 - Impact on St. Louis Lawns & Landscaping

St. Louis Spring Flood 2017

Everyone knows that there is a not-so-small flood happening in our area. We wanted to take the time to update you on how this will impact your services throughout the remainder of this week, as well as give you some information from our horticulturists on how this will im...

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Lawn Mowing Schedule Update

Looking into the forecast this week, we are expecting more rain. This is why you may see us out earlier than normal for mowing to try to get ahead of it.

STL Swamp Living and National Lawn Care Month

Although the sun is shining, we are considering this another rain day. The machines we use would be too heavy and sink into saturated lawns.  We plan to put a full court press on mowing and lawn care and we will be working this weekend. 

Here at Dowco, we are passionate about creating beautiful, g...

Spring Rain Delay Schedule Update

We hope you're staying dry! 

Last week we started mowing all of our residential properties. If you haven't seen us yet, it's because we're delayed from rain, and the forecast this week shows more spring showers. Our goal is to ensure top quality work, in a timely fashion, without damaging your lawn....

Happy First Day of Spring!

Hi there,

Kelly here.   I just wanted to share with you some amazing news about our fantastic team member, Maggie.   Read on:

Lawn Mowing Boot Camp [VIDEO]

The last 2 weeks we've been preparing for lawn mowing. A few of our crew members are learning these skills for the first time, while many others are sharpening up their techniques before we hit our client's properties.

Last week we worked on the fundamentals - fueling, starting, handling, and safety...

Prepare! St. Louis Lawn Care Teams are Emerging

Can you believe the warm weather we've had in February? 

While you may see the Forsythia blooming already, the soil temperatures are still between 45-55 degrees, therefore Crabgrass is not yet germinating. Our fertilization program is underway and both rounds 1 and 2 contain a crabgrass pre-emergent...

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