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Quarter 2 Breakfast Celebration

This morning we came together to eat breakfast as a team and celebrate our second quarter wins! We also took some time to gain feedback from the entire staff on what we love and enjoy about working at Dowco as well as the things that the company can improve on.

Summer Landscaping Services for st. Louis

This time of year, neighbors start to notice and comment on beautiful landscapes that look manicured & tidy even through the heat of the summer. We want that neighbor to be you

You could spend your weekends pulling weeds this summer, or you can relax and enjoy your outdoor space, leaving the dirty...

St. Louis Lawn Mowing Rain Delays

Dear Dowco Lawn Mowing Clients,

Why Should I Mulch Around Trees?

Have you ever wondered why some people spend so much time creating a shovel edge and then mulching around the trees in their landscape?

Quarter 1 Celebration Breakfast

This morning we came together to eat breakfast as a team and celebrate our first quarter wins! We also took some time to gain feedback from the entire staff on what we love and enjoy about working at Dowco as well as the things that the company can improve on.

3 Key Factors to Consider for The Best Turf Care Program in St. Louis

If you desire a lush, green lawn this season then you're probably taking time this spring to do a little research. The best St. Louis turf care takes into consideration three factors.

What to Look for in a St. Louis Mulching Company

Your Dowco mulch project receives 3 important things.  First a world class bed cleanup, followed by a crisp shovel edge and finally the smooth application of your mulch of choice. 

First: A Spring Bed Cleanup 

During the bed cleanup, any remaining ornamental grasses are cut low and as level as possib...

Spring Aeration & Seeding in St. Louis

During the spring we receive quite a few calls from people who ask, "How much do you charge for core aeration in the spring?"  And our short answer is nothing!

As a general rule of thumb, spring is not the best time to aerate and seed your your St. Louis lawn and this is why.

Spring is the time to pu...

Making Better Decisions about Your Chesterfield Lawn Mowing

“Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially when it’s a choice between where you should be and where you want to be.” – Anonymous

Have you ever had to choose between two options?

  • Before work: Change the oil in your car or prepare and eat a healthy breakfast?
  • After work: See your kids in a ...

The Best Time to Kill Weeds in Your St. Louis Lawn

When it comes to caring for a lawn, everyone will need to get rid of weeds at one point or another, and for many it is a constant battle to keep weeds under control. The younger your lawn is, the more susceptible it is to weeds that will grow in between the young and relatively weak blades of grass...

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