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Selecting a Shade Tree for Your St. Louis Landscaping

If you have ever driven through the streets of an old neighborhood you know how much impact a large shade tree can make. They tower amongst the houses blocking out the intense rays of sun from the yards and streets below. These urban giants have been growing in these locations sometimes over a hundr...

3 Container Gardening Tips to Enhance Your St. Louis Home Landscaping

I love flowers, and nothing is more welcoming than a beautiful flower display at your entryway.

Here are some tips to guarantee the best display on the block!

What to Say When You Meet With Your St. Louis Landscape Contractor

The statement made famous by Dorothy in the classic movie The Wizard of Oz is true, “There is no place like home.” And with that, there is no one that knows your home like you do. This very concept is the basis on why regular site visits with your St. Louis landscape contractor are extremely importa...

Late Winter Game Plan: An Update on Current Services

The last week brought us all sorts of weather conditions from a snowy, rainy, icy weekend to a beautiful day filled with sunshine today! 

Why Should I prune During a St. Louis Winter?

TJ and Matt help to explain a few of the reasons Dowco performs winter trimming and pruning for our clients.

In the winter time, there is a lot less pressure from disease and insects so it allows us to be more aggressive with REDUCTION pruning. It also gives us the ability to see the structure of th...

St. Louis Landscaping: Three Types of Winter Trimming and Pruning

Most people only think of pruning their shrubs when they see them looking overgrown in early to mid-summer after their full spring flush.  This is because they’re looking especially shaggy. Some may even appear to be outgrowing their location! 

Instead of making drastic cuts in the peak of the season...

Continued Excitement in 2016

Happy New Year!

We are very excited about our clients that have already chose to spend the upcoming seasons with us. Our goal is to have 90% of our clients retained by February 1st and we expect to hit that!  Here's a quick update on the really exciting things that are happening around here! 

Email WhiteListing

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Dowco Holiday Party 2015

Happy Holidays!

As the year comes to an end, we want to thank you for being a part of the Dowco family. The combination of your support and energy makes us want to work harder to be able to serve you with excellence in 2016. 

We hope that you're able to enjoy your family and friends over the holiday...

The Best Snow and Ice Removal Service Options for Chesterfield, MO

Winter is quickly approaching and it won’t be long until you need to decide on how your snow and ice will be handled this year!

In Chesterfield, MO there are a few options for your residential or commercial snow removal and it is important to take into consideration the different scope of driveways ...

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