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Classifying St. Louis Lawn Weeds

Why do Weeds Exist?

Understanding the specific weed problem you have can uncover indicators of unfavorable conditions. 

For example, knotweed frequently occurs in areas of severe soil compaction, ground ivy thrives under trees where there is insufficient sunlight and red sorrel is usually indicative...

St. Louis Lawn Weed Control Service

The Problem with Weeds

Weeds are defined as any undesirable plant. When a weed enters your turf, it’s not only undesirable but also unsightly and causes a disturbance to the overall value of your landscape. Well maintained lawns in St. Louis are not only appealing, but have become virtually expected...

Does my Lawn Need Fall Fertilization?

The Importance of Fall Fertilization in St. Louis County Lawns

For the vast majority of our clients, fall fertilization is included in your turf fertilization and weed control package. However, when people are budgeting or looking to cut something out and they usually try skipping the last fall f...

4 Benefits of Mulching Around Trees

There are 4 main benefits of mulching around trees. Not only is it aesthetically appealing, but mulch also helps to protect your trees and landscape.

Featured Client: The Colangione Family

Click the photos below to enlarge:

“Dowco has done a great job for my turf. I used their fertilization program one year then switched to somebody else. I came back to Dowco after unsatisfactory results. I did everything Dowco recommended including the renovation package - double aeration and ove...

8 Benefits of Core Aeration and Overseeding

Normal wear and tear on your lawn throughout the season causes stress to the turf. This fall, it is important to aerate and overseed your turf for a thick, lush lawn next year!

July Outdoor To Do List

In July, rainfall becomes scarce and the plants in your landscape will do their best to conserve energy and slow down growth. Many times during July we’re busy celebrating summer and often go out of town. Be sure to give your plants the special attention they need this month.

St. Louis Summer Watering Tips for Turf, Trees & Shrubs

Water is the number one necessity for all living things. We as humans have the ability to find water for ourselves; we carry our water bottles around, stop at a drinking fountain or could even go stick our head in a stream if we needed to. Plants are not so lucky. They rely on Mother Nature to get t...

Turf Disease Season St. Louis

It's turf disease season in St. Louis!

If you're wondering why your turf is turning brown, even though it's had plenty of rain and moisture. Keep reading. You may have a fungus in your turf.

Winning the War Against Crabgrass!

Do you look at your lawn hoping to see a velvety carpet of perfect green turf, only to find tufts and clumps of raggedy crabgrass? Don’t be troubled! There are steps to take to rid your lawn of this “opportunistic weed” as well as prevent it from returning or appearing in the first place.

Here is a ...

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